Welcome to ESL Listening

ESL Listening provides materials to help develop the listening skills of English language learners. These including podcasts and streamed video & audio.

These are accompanied by interactive activities, including traditional ESL/EFL listening comprehension exercises. There are also worksheets based around short video clips. There also links to some of the best podcasts for ESL students.

ESL Listening is a sister site to ESL Reading, has been providing free graded reading materials for English language learners since 2002. ESL Reading has links with Extensive Reading, the British Council and many other organisations promoting language learning through reading.

ESL Reading features in the recently published, Tips for Teaching with Call: Practical Approaches to Computer -Assisted Languag Learning (2008, Pearson/Longman).

The Editor
ESL Listening is edited by Kieran McGovern, described in Extensive Reading in the Second Language Classroom (Cambridge, 1998) as being 'amongst the best writers of language learner materials in English’.

ESL Listening: free podcasts, streamed video, audio & interactive activities for English language learners.
More ELT materials for ELT students & teachers at eslreading.org.

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